One of our blog post readers asked this question about their hho kit recently so I thought I would address this issue.
Can I Mount My HHO Kit farther away?
Occasionally, no matter how one tries, they cant seem to find a place to mount their generator. This is far more rare now with our 800 series because they are half the thickness of our old units (and pretty much any unit available today with similar amounts of plates!) That is one reason we engineered them with the hose fittings at the top and bottom of the cell casings - shaved a LOT of room off the thickness and creates a better flow of water and hydrogen gas up through the plates inside, without needing any holes in the plates like a dry cell.You can see how skinny this profile is of the 881. It is literally the thickness of a mans hand on edge (1.5").
But even with all the improvements, some have trouble installing up front, so they want to know- can I put the hho kit in the back or in the trunk? Yes, but....
First- NEVER put it in the cab, or behind the drivers seat. It may look cool when it is making hydrogen and oxygen, but if there were an accident, you do NOT want electrolyte flying out all over you. Be safe. Keep it up front or in the trunk.
Be aware, that mounting a kit in the trunk, no matter how good the hho generator is, can casue it to not perform as well as being up close to the engine? Why? Because some of the gas has 10 or 12 feet to condense and recombine into water vapor before it gets drawn in the engine, and as the gas gets warm from use (common to operate at about 135 F)if there is cool air outside running along that tube, it Will condense even more, filling the low spots of the hose with water, which could eventually get sucked into your engine and cause it to stall.
So if you mount there- check and monitor the hose connecting the kit to the air intake, and drain any excess water periodically.
Ultimately - you are far better mounting in the front fender well area if you can. Check out our instructional videos on YouTube to see how we do it here! We are uploading a fully detailed series on How to install an hho kit in your car- maybe that will help!
Until later- Be Safe! Have Fun.
Robert Volk