With our NO HASSLE GUARANTEE, we offer an unrivaled customer experience.
- Free Shipping via FedEx to the contiguous U.S. Orders to PO Box addresses, APO/FPO, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are fulfilled with free USPS Parcel Select shipping! We gladly ship to Canada but you will be expected to cover all brokerage and handling fees. Canada Post may also require a small import tax at your door.
- Per our perfect order guarantee, if the incorrect kit or part is sent we will pay the return shipping costs (within the 30 day return policy)! For more information, you can check out our Return Policy.
- You can contact us any time that is convenient for you. You may email us anytime - support@hhokitsdirect.com. You may also call
1-925-427-1000 between 9am - 5pm PST, Monday - Friday, excluding major holidays.
Thanks for your time and we hope you are satisfied with our commitment to excellence.
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